Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Lord Voldemort

The Headlines said “See what your horoscope predicts for 2012”. Really?  I am going to pass on that. I would much rather be surprised. Some things I may want a warning or a bit of a heads up about but for the most part surprise me.  Actually not really sure what I could or would do if I did have a warning. Well I suppose if we had known that every liquor store in town was going to be closed last night my favorite Shoe and J would have brought Mr. Beam with them.  I however had bought myself a very fine bottle of bourbon for Christmas and we sipped on that.  So for the past three days every liquor store in Texas was ordered to close. Who knew? Maybe the people who buy alcohol regularly? That did not include me or Shoe or J. I suppose that is a good thing…haha…

I downloaded my first book to my new nook. I went to Barnes and Noble online and headed straight for Dean Koontz Frankenstein series and purchased book 4. I am enjoying the nook, we shall call him Ian. I have been playing around with him and he is like taking my laptop without the weight and bulkiness. I need to find a cover for him, or a sleek sexy little case, something very James Bond or very Shakespeare.  I was hoping he would slide into my padfolio but that is not happening. So now I have a purse, padfolio, 2 phones and Ian to carry around. I need a James to carry it all (except the purse) around for me. I could step up my client circle with that kind of help. A sleek efficient assistant…yeah!

Back to Frankenstein I had read books 1-3 in December and January. They were a Christmas present. Then bought what I thought was book 4 but turned out to be book 5 back in May and have been waiting all this time. Apparently 2 years have passed in the book time line so I am ok.

I have given myself a budget of $10 for table decorations each month for Chamber Luncheons. I managed to stay in that budget for 2 months. I think December may have gone a little over that but I bought stuff yesterday and stayed right at about $13. Not bad. I would like to work with several flower shops in the area and get them to donate a few things now and again. I could put that on my agenda for this week or next. Which reminds me for some reason, that I need to schedule an art show at the bank so I will be calling Larry today?  

Yes, my neighbor was here on time this morning.

So I am at the local Goodwill store yesterday buying some raggedy old jeans for the centerpieces for the Luncheon tables when an employee of the facility rolls a cart right up to my leg and then stands there staring at me with that defiant ‘I am an angry teenage girl and I have no idea why” look. I turn to her as I realize she is there and ask her if she needs to get by me. She gives me that teenage girl “You are stupider than my little brother “look.  Having raised 4 daughters this look has no effect on me and I smile at her knowing this will raise her hackles. She huffs very loudly and takes up that “I am not going to move” stance that only teenage girls can perform. This performance begs for my full attention so I turn to face her. This shatters her a bit. While she is still unsettled from that aggressive response in me I take a step toward her. She backs up with her rolly cart. I smile; she looks a bit uncertain, her eyes are a little frightened, “Oh! Do you need to get by here?” I ask very cheerfully. She narrows her eyes at me ( I suppose that was to frighten me….haha) I still have not moved as she starts to move the cart again. She stops and glares at me smiling at her and then she points and huffs again.  “Oh you do need by…sure” I am beginning to think she cannot speak or hear. I move. She rolls her cart by and very clearly asks the cashier a question. “A simple excuse me would have been polite. She glares at me and storms off. I am thinking the child needs a teddy bear. (See photo of Teddy Bear)  Meanwhile I mentioned in the store that I am looking for a cow and this man overhears me and while I am standing in line he comes rushing over with a cow. Brilliant I thank him and he glows all over.  You would have thought that Lady Tamara www.HighlandTitles.com  had bestowed upon him her favor for a tournament. “I shall win this tournament for you Lady”.

I just heard a very enthusiastic commercial for i-phone, i-pad and Android users. Like we are different from others, our choice of electronics set us apart, we are the elite. No longer does your address matter or the car you drive just what techie toys you have and use. We are the chosen, the golden people. We get things you mere muggles cannot and will not have. Since I have a nook and it was not mentioned I assume only the very wonderful, magical, way upper class people have those and the golden people cannot aspire to that so it is not mentioned. Like a Bentley commercial. You never hear one but they exist.

I heard a rumor that the LV people believe is Louis Vuitton is actually Lord Voldemort…..just saying I heard it….. 

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