Monday, January 16, 2012

Ms. Rudenheimer

Hey you other Ghost hunters thank you for admitting you do not put your findings online. That is so helpful to the rest of us wading through the true and untrue, guesses, assumptions, deliberate misleading’s, myth and legends. We will continue to propagate the good and the bad so the you are reaping what you are so hard trying not to sow. Some of us out here actually have facts we are sharing, we have in our possession Family Bibles you wish you could find, Hand written family trees, letters, photos….But you are assuming we are making it up because we share it.  Thank you also for making it a true ghost hunt. I seriously should think about paying the extra monies and opening the rest of the world for exploration of records.  Really old parish records should be free online to one and all and easy to access. Please list the church’s original name and all of it’s name changes location changes.  I would love to stumble upon an old trunk filled with photos and letters and documents and put it all out there for public use. Why keep things secret?

My walking partner has flaked on me without a word. Freak!

SO there I was in line at my local grocery store looking over the chewing gum choices when Scagolla Rudenheimer charges the cashier and slaps all four of her items down on the conveyor belt with  a look of satisfaction and a challenging glare in her eyes. It was my turn. I had one little item and I was holding it. The man in front of me was just reaching into his pocket for his wallet so there was no need for me to move up. I turned my head from the gum display and my jaw dropped (luckily I caught it) but, I did not catch the “oh Hell no she just did not!” that slipped from my lips apparently loud enough for her to hear. She froze. I turned toward her with a wicked little smile and stepped forward. She was still frozen. Just as I am contemplating going all Vampire on her the hapless cahier directs her attention toward the woman who has still refused to look at me or move. The woman grabs her wallet does not speak to the cashier pays for her items and practically runs out the exit. Still not looking directly at me but half way looking over her shoulder as if she thinks I will follow. The cashier is looking confused and worried as though she feels it is her fault the woman was behaving oddly. I smile a cheerful hello and interject “She cut in front of me in line… I think she is in a hurry”.  A huge smile looks back at me and a cheerful and relieved “OH!”  Good times….good times.

L and I are at a local auto dealership waiting to speak with the manager. We are strolling the lobby/waiting area putting together our dream car when we stop and pause to watch an advertisement on the TV screen about a truck pulling a log. There is an elderly man standing a few paces away from me texting on his phone and he looks upset. He stops texting, looks at me as though I might be able to read through the back of his phone and comprehend what the miniature text says. I cannot even read the text on my phone without my glasses, please! He gives me a scathing undeserved glare and storms off.  I giggle and ask “Did the wife just find out about your mistress or were the diamonds in the bracelet you left her at lunch too small?” He did not hear me but, the salesman at his desk next to me must have for, he looks at the man and then at me and smiles. I wink.
How… does a Chinese restaurant run out of Chow Mein? Hello?...... Chow Mein…..really? Yes this happened to me. I was getting my daughter some take away food when I am told they are out of Chow Mein. Crazy!!!! I got beef and broccoli instead.  

Pajamarama Party at the Schertz Library with local author Jennifer Salyer and her illustrator Adam Salyer. Great fun!

Horatio went rushing past me on I-35.     Crime scene!

Where are you rushing to today? Lady Tamara, has a 2:00 meeting to work on the Business Expo and a date with Sherlock Holmes and the very sexy Dr. Watson.

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