Monday, January 2, 2012

Whip it

I am attempting to change my morning routine this year. I say attempting rather than am doing. This allows for changes or for me to later say “what was I thinking?” This will not allow the word failure to enter. This being said I awoke at my normal hour and was scheduled to walk for 20 minutes with a neighbor. This neighbor is a male and I inform you of this because he failed. Not that I am surprised by this he had a 30/70 chance. Men of my acquaintance tend to be failures. Dad and Grandfathers excluded. So are my high school biology and English teachers. I even allowed him a 5 minute late “oops”. He just showed up at my door dressed and ready for a walk. 45 minutes after our scheduled time. I am amused. He probably will not be late tomorrow. To be honest I enjoyed the alone time. No idle chatter just walking and breathing and posture and pacing. Enjoying the early morning the stars the light lavender brush strokes on the eastern horizon, the stars, the chimes that were hanging randomly on the occasional porch.

My cup of tea tastes a little friendlier after a brisk walk. Brings to mind the mornings I was up and pacing the beach when I lived on the island. Coming home to a pot of coffee, getting the girls ready for school, spending time in chats with GOD, miss those days.

I am still enjoying Christmas music. I have switched to total instrumental pieces. The tree is still twinkling and decorations are up. The best is still to come. Christmas is never over until Twelfth Night. It has been a tradition since I was little to celebrate the Christmas season through to Twelfth Night. I set out delicacies of almonds, dates and baklava for the Magi and carrots for their animals. They in turn leave gifts.

Shaggy was thrilled New Year’s day. Father Time and Baby New Year brought her a Glee calendar and golden earrings and bangles as they passed by.

So, Shaggy and I waltz into Starbucks and we order coffee and as we are waiting I notice in a corner, with his laptop open and his headphones on, a cup of coffee on the table and, a few papers scattered about is a man asleep. He is leaned back in the chair, his mouth fallen open and softly snoring. Does he have Narcolepsy? Is Starbucks coffee defective today? Is he a kidnapper and his victim drugged him and escaped? Is he a homeless guy who is just carrying about a broken laptop he opens and pretends to use and orders a cup of decaf so he can get some sleep in a warm friendly place?

Speaking of Starbucks, there are two locations near my house. Both are always busy. Where did people get their coffee from before? Dennys? Home? MacDonalds? Truckstops? I really have no idea. There is no excuse either for shoddy service or rude behavior or “put upon” attitudes. You work at a coffee shop. You can drink all the coffee you want. Strap on a smile and be happy to see people. They are there because they want a bit of Happiness, Pick me up, Joy in a cup. They are paying for it. Provide it!!!!!

One more thing…. Starbucks!!! Are you married to your bloody whipped cream? When I specify whip, bloody well put it on the coffee!!! A lot, a mega dose, I want to see whipped cream escaping out of the little sippy slot in the lid. Please inform Miss I am the Barista of this. I am paying you 4 times too much already for the bad attitude and, bitter coffee. A little more whip would wipe out the rest. I would get my coffee from somewhere else but Seattle’s Best left with Borders, Mac Donald’s does not use soy and neither does Sonic. I miss It’s a Grind. Maybe I should check into buying a franchise I know just the location for one
Car registration on my agenda today what is on yours? I am thinking Lady Tamara should have people to do this sort of thing for her.

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