Monday, March 12, 2012

Phone therapy

I am in a mood this morning, or rather sitting on the fence of several. The warrior wants to declare war. 

The victim wants to give up, the gypsy wants to laugh and dance for the freedom; which I would agree with except I need my bloody phone! I last used it on Friday afternoon at about 5:37. I put it in the pocket of my hoogie and locked the office doors, got into the car and drove Fin home and then myself. I put my bags down and took off the hoogie. I cannot remember where I put the hoogie, did I hang it up or throw it on to a chair and the phone fell out of the pocket. I do remember we called for a pizza but, I cannot remember whose phone we used. I cleaned house this weekend and did not see it. By now the battery is dead and I cannot call it.  I have not missed the bloody thing until last night and it was too late to ask Shaggy if she knew where it was. This is damned inconvenient!  I keep thinking I have just over looked it in my panicked quest to find it and I will walk out to my office and wham! It will be sitting right there. I am trying to remember if I heard it go off at all this weekend. It is connected to my twitter and facebook so every time I get a memo it chirps or chimes and vibrates. I cannot recall. Hhmmmmm…. I suppose I am adjusted to hearing it and tuning it out. Ok best case…I find it this morning quite by accident (because I have looked). Worst case….
Have you seen me?

I read yesterday that heart-attacks increase by over 10% on the day after the spring forward time change. Well, I for one was not about to play their statistic game so I ignored my clocks all day. Only to discover I cannot locate my phone and may have one anyway over the bloody thing. I have never lost a phone in all my years of carrying one. I feel like someone’s ancient, old, decrepit, kooky, forgetful grandma.  I have seriously had all the stress one person can manage for the past 3 years.  Does stress fat exist really? I would love the answer to be yes because then under all this stress I am still a size 8.

Thank GOD for Joshua Bell. He has the most amazing gift for playing the violin. How does he do that? Some Violinist can play beautifully. Some can play each note perfectly but I am left feeling cheated and cold. Joshua seems to bring each note life and each one has a personality that he interacts with. The music becomes a living emotional creation under his touch. He is the only violinist that can create these beautiful, sad, playful, distraught, melancholy, whimsical creatures. Listen to this Nocturne For Piano In C Sharp Minor by Fryderyk Chopin on Romance of the Violin. I want this playing at my funeral. I would say in an endless loop but that may drive my visitors to revolt and I will not hear it anyway.

I am thinking maybe what I need is a little sword therapy. I have not had a sparring partner in over 6 years. There is only so much you can do to practice alone. Maybe I can add in some archery therapy. Definitely need to fire a few rounds. Add 30 minutes of belly dance to my work out today. Look I have managed to please the Warrior and the gypsy. What phone?

I have to go roll the trash bins down to the curb. Lady Tamara should have staff for this sort of thing.
What are you rolling around today?

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