Thursday, March 8, 2012

Rave socks

My devotional this morning read on and on about pet monkeys and how they hoot all night and leave the toilet seat up and socks turned inside out and food on counters and that if some type’s of people could love pet monkeys then I should love a pet monkey too.

 Uhm…NO!!! I do not love nor do I like monkeys. I do not go to the monkey exhibit at the zoo. I do not think old what’s her name who lived with gorillas was wonderful. I suppose if some types of people carved huge S in their forehead that we all should? If some people drink cat urine we all should. I am not some type of people I am the only me there is and I am not like anyone else and I do not wish to have a pet monkey nor do I wish for a dog or a fish or a hedgehog or chicken. Humans as the story was referring to should realize that leaving their socks turned inside out annoys their mate and stop doing it. However the mate should just wash the socks inside out and leave them that way.

 Dear mate you turned your socks inside out and continue to do so. I must assume you prefer them that way so they will be washed dried and you can put them away inside out. I love you have a nice day. Xx I did NOT marry a monkey!

There was a lady all dressed in red at a store I was in. We were in line to check out and she was flitting looking at this and that and picking up items as she moved further up the line. She had on red shoes, red warm-up pants, red shirt and a silk red Gucci looking hoogie. She waltzed up to the end and stepped behind the lady at the cash wrap. She then looked to her right and realized she had stepped past the please wait here” sign. So she winked at me threw her arms up and scampered backwards to relook at some ceramic painted mugs that were on display. I smiled and asked her if she was always this ornery. She looked at me and then sashayed closer as she said in a whisper. I am 64 years old and I have earned the right to do what I want and if they (she pointed toward the front of the store and then made a circle with her hand around her head) don’t f*&%&%^ like it they can just sit back and watch! Then she winked again and dashed back up to the sign and looked as though she had been patiently waiting the whole time. I laughed out loud. She turned and looked at me as though I was some obnoxious teenager and laying her finger aside her mouth shushed me. I kept giggling. She grinned. I want to be just like her when I grow up.

Horatio was spotted turning into the Chuck-E-Cheese parking lot. At first I was thinking there is better pizza Dude. Then I had to wonder….had Chuck gone all Hyperion on the customers? Was he scarring and destroying the males and their reproductive organs? Was he destroying the building looking for the bow? What could draw him into this place? A birthday party for his niece?

My granddaughter spent the night last night. We read 4 books and one coloring book. We also colored 4 pictures, watched Lion King II ate 4 chicken nuggets and 5 M&Ms, then piled 11 stuffed animals around her and sent her to sleep. Oh yes and we, Lady Tamara and the future Lady Emma guarded the house against the Cricket Monsters. Her mother and nanny and company all went to a Rave. They looked like they were going to perform at a circus. I guess raves at locations are not the same as raves on the beach. She reminds me of….of…..who?

I am hungry for some breakfast and was looking forward to freshly crushed pineapple spread over cream cheese on a toasted wheat bagel. But there are people upstairs asleep in my parlor and people asleep down stairs on all the available sofas and couches. I do not wish to wake them. They played most of the night.
What did you have for breakfast?

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