Thursday, March 22, 2012


I pulled into the parking lot were Shaggy works. I drive to the back door to let her out. It is not yet 5. A vehicle pulls in to the slotted parking area to the side of us and the entire Kardashian family gets out. Yep a herd of dark haired, over dressed, short on fabric, wants to be Kardashians with a male escort tumbled out of a white Mercedes. I thought Shaggy was being mean spirited but when I looked I could not believe my eyes. She was right.  There they were a lovely herd of Kardashians.   I hope they enjoyed their meal. It was like the game we play at the airport, who is the international spy, drug dealer, air marshal, celebrity, you know…..people watching.

I was doing a wee bit of ghost hunting last night on my grandfathers’ family. I started with his Mother, and found a proof of marriage where they spelled my Great Grandfather’s name as Maris. I then moved to her father. He came to America in 1861. One account says from Manchester and one from Lancashire England. He sailed over on a ship called the Tuscarora out of Liverpool, owned by a Quaker family out of Pennsylvania. The ship was lost at sea some years later. This had me up this morning researching on the ship and looking for images and going down rabbit holes about ancient families and ghost stories of other families who came over on the Tuscarora also.  So far all the other ghosts of either of my parents have been here since the 1600s. I looked at the time and oops! It was late. So this is short. 

Has me wondering though …… why would a family change their name during the Ulster plantation,  a family that retained all their considerable wealth? Why? Who were they hiding from and why? Not just one or two members of the family, the entire family. It is like the dinosaurs. Where did they go? You know they were here but how and why and where? 

Maybe Lady Tamara
owns more of Scotland then she knows. Hmmmmmm......

What ship did your people arrive on?

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