Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Bring Andrew back

I had one of those nights where you fall asleep and then wake feeling like you have slept for hours only to fall asleep again and yet wake again and not be able to fall back asleep and just about the time you are deep into sleep again the alarm goes off and you feel like you have not slept all night. SO I shut off the alarm and I was trying to figure out what has me so prickly and I fell asleep again.

 The cats woke me 20 minutes later and now I feel disoriented, unfocused, panicky and restless. Sort of like caffeine is in the very I am breathing.  There was a veiled moon last night and thunderstorm warnings for every county around me to the south and east. 

I could see lightening illuminating the clouds all around but still there sat the moon. Perhaps all that pent up electrical energy is still up there in the firmament unable to find release and I can feel it. Prowling around like a hungry lion in a cage with thick, solid bars.  

Had the photo shoot for my interview yesterday afternoon and even if my story does not go to print it was fun and exciting and now that I have experienced this other side of it I have more depth to what I so enjoy doing. I am anxious to see the photos. I had too much fun.

While at Mother’s house last night we watched Americas Got Talent. They had this amazingly beautiful young man who looked the spawn of Alice Cooper and Marilyn Manson and Lestat the Vampire. He had black hair and white skin and glow in the dark eyes. To my eyes he is remarkable. He sang an operatic aria and did it beautifully for his audition. Mother said he made a mistake the night before. They sent him home. Andrew De Leon is his name and they need to bring him back!!! I am so done watching that show. I will be grumbling about this all day. You loved him and praised him and then you deleted him. Bring him back!!!! You kept that father daughter team where the father messed up and then lied about it on TV to you judges and us and you kept them??? Bring Andrew back!!!! Send the lying rat bastard dad and his daughter home!!!!  Bring Andrew back!!!!!  Yes because I love opera!!!!

Lady Tamara is now off to start the Andrew De Leon fan club.
What will you start?

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