Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Sparkly Window

I was making my tea this morning when a sparkle caught my eye. It was up high and coming from a window in the house behind mine. The sun had risen just enough to reflect off of something woven into the curtain fabric. Or, maybe the entire curtain was made of sequins. Does not matter what it is made of, what matters is there in the midst of a morning I was less than cheerful about was magic. It unlocked the gates I had constructed and barred and bolted while at Mothers last night. Does she have any idea how hurtful her words are? Things are not as they seem Mother. My world that I paint for you is truth but a gentler version because I do not want to worry or stress or panic you. I seem to be handling things very well because I want you to be at peace about them. You had a man to help you carry loads, burdens, trials, devastation. I have had no one. Stop evaluating me based on you. 

Sparkly window, sparkly window…..

My tea smells like roses. Really Roses. It is wonderful and brought back to me vivid memories of Chatsworth. This is how the house smelled inside. Like roses and tea. I could live there if we could move the entire estate to the coast.

I found an apartment yesterday that I could live in, reminded me of a cottage, more than I wanted to pay though. We start the search again today.

Lady Tamara  was contacted about an interview. Do I have anything unique that I do? Hahah…uh no! Except, I am a Lady and I Lady Tamara own a small piece of Scotland and have a crest and tartan. 

Speaking of that why did I not receive an invitation to the Queens Jubilee? Off to check the mail!!

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