Tuesday, September 4, 2012

BOYCOTT b.w.w.

I peacefully toddle along looking for adventure, enjoying the antics of people, grateful for experiences; holding tightly to a faith that more often than not makes no sense. I do not set out trying to harm, create chaos, and instill anger, jealousy, bitterness or fear. Assuming that there is an equal reaction to every action I must be an evil creature most foul. Here is what inspires this.

I am peacefully ghost hunting. Sharing some articles, photos, letters I found of some friends of my dad’s with people chasing their ghosts. I was having a marvelous time, happy. I set the Butterfly down to get a cup of tea and her umbilical chord falls out. Now remember this past Christmas season I set her on the table and when I got up the rocking chair knocked her off balance and she fell to the carpet, umbilical side down and it chipped pieces of the portal off. Everything still worked fine so I praised GOD for days and kept going. The chord was not securely in place and tended to slip out but I lived with that. As I picked up the chord that just fell out another piece of portal came with it and a pin inside was very loose. I re-attached the chord and checked the status. I now get a plugged in but not charging. I moved her to my desk and still the same message. I google up my troubles and apparently to repair this requires taking the Butterfly apart, removing the motherboard getting the old soldering of the port off of it, soldering on a new one, replacing the battery, putting it all back together and praying that the motherboard is not damaged. This costs more than a new laptop by the time I pay for parts and a techie to service it.  It is NOT like I surf the net for porn!!!! And GOD is pissed. It is NOT like I have a job that pays me $12,000 a month and can afford a laptop. AAAAAAAAAAAAARrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But that was not the end of the trouble. I got out my NOOK and within 93 seconds it landed on a screen and froze. It would not turn off, move, or blink. It just froze.

But wait there was more. Shaggy and I drive Charles over to the store to get supplies that we had failed to pick up the day before. There is an awful smell of burning wire, metal and oil. We both comment and hope it is not Charles. It is. Maybe all he needs is an oil change.

We come home because after a morning off all this I am more than ready to do battle with the first fool that crosses my path. I am imaging a beautiful battle axe, one that would cause Conan to envy it, in my right hand and a saw bladed dagger in my left. My path is the line. Come on people…one of you…just one…. Shaggy cheerfully says she is going to make chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. I am having a fallout and she wants to bake cookies…hahaha 

Shaggy ended up with two jobs, one at a restaurant one not. The good job was very willing to work around the other job on hours. The food job became hostile and told her to choose they would not work around any other hours and called her a road block. She thanked them for their time and consideration and she walked out. God love her, she wanted to cry over the hostility she received but at the same time felt relief. She chose the good job. We are now boycotting Buffalo Wild Wings. She does not have to come home smelling of barbeque chicken…YEAHHHHH!!!!!!!

Lady Tamara  www.LairdOfLochaber.com is going to make grits for breakfast as Shaggy starts orientation at her new job today.
What is on your breakfast menu?

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