Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Name change?

Could someone please point out to me if I am wrong? They put a stop sign on the corner, and then paint a line across the road. I believed where we are to stop at the line before turning or going forward. Is this line meant as a challenge?  I dare you to stop beyond it? Please stop on the other side? Stay behind this line as you come to a stop? I do not remember covering this in drivers ed or in comedy driving school. I have even seen people come to a stop 9 feet beyond the sign and block a crosswalk as if they have every right to be there. What is with those drivers who charge up to a stop sign not slowing down at all only to slam on their brakes and come to a stop with the beak of their vehicle 5 feet past a stop sign? Do they believe that the passing traffic will come to a halt to make way for them because they are aggressively driving? Is it a challenge? An act of defiance? How dare you put a stop sign in my path?

While we are on the stop sign rampage… humans in oversized pickup trucks pay ATTENTION!!! Some of us do not feel the need to beef up our insignificant selves in an oversized vehicle.  A stop sign or stop light is not a challenge or an affront to your wee tiny ego. Let me tell you a tale. You are in your truck. A jacked up, 4 wheel drive, diesel chugging, dualy , 4 door truck.  We are on a two lane road. We get to the intersection you get into the left turn lane because you are turning left and you come to a stop 9 feet beyond the line with your beak almost in the lane of traffic. I pull up to the stop sign as the line dictates. I am turning right which I can do if my lane is clear. BUT I CAN NOT SEE IT!!!!! I can see you and the back door of your truck. You are waiting and waiting.  I inch up a bit to see around you praying there is not a vehicle coming my way. As soon as you see me moving forward you start moving forward also. Yes that helps me out you bloody freak! It is NOT a race! You are turning left I am turning right. In an instant I realize that if you are moving forward into the traffic there cannot be traffic coming and if there is they will slam into you and you my friend will be the barrier between me and the traffic.  I bravely move forward and complete my turn. Thanx for being the buffer!

We are out of coffee. So after a meet last night we drive over to my favorite store World Market to buy some. Shaggy wants pumpkin spice coffee; sounds good to me too. They have some $8.99 WOW!!! So we wander on back to the grinding coffee area to further explore and there is Hazelnut for $4.99. I notice every other coffee is $4.99. Are pumpkins a rare and delicious treat that they are so much more expensive?? I am drinking the Hazelnut this morning. Not as tasty as the mystery blends at Central Market but it will do this morning.

Lady Tamara  has a Gala Meeting to prepare for. Marty that means I looking for you and Sally… I am also looking for your dancer.

This is the only traffic I wish I had to deal with, Badgers at my Estate in Glencoe.

One more thing... there are now 2 Tamara at the job site. I need to change my name. I will take all suggestions.
Enjoy Talk Like  a Pirate Day!!!

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