Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Ceylon to Sri Lanka

I bought a small box of tea after Christmas it was good.

 I also bought a large tin of loose leaf tea. It was filled with huge, wrinkled, dried, black leaves of Ceylon. I needed the loose leaf for my afternoon tea which is in a cup with a strainer; no bag needed. Well it is delicious tea. I was to the point I was looking forward to afternoon tea instead of my morning pot. 

 This morning I woke up and realized the tea as it soaks unfurls and become larger wet leaves. There is no way they will slip out the pot. So we are even now attempting to succeed with this theory.  First cup down and no leaves!

Ceylon tea comes from Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka was called Ceylon when it was still a British Protectorate.  The tea has rich intense flavors and brews to a beautiful golden color. 

It is used alone and also it is found in many blends. Sri Lanka is the largest producer of tea in the world.  Coffee used to be the main export crop of Ceylon but around 1866 the entire coffee crop was devastated and in 1867 tea was introduced and thrived. 

That being planted in the highlands having a much richer flavor and highly prized.

I still do not have my car back. But then the parking area outside the shop looked like a used car lot so I am probably number 21 on a wait list of 22. I am getting a ride this morning to a committee meeting. I need to get to the bank and I need cat food. I pray Alyse has time to take me to these. 

Lady Tamara has to get ready for her meeting.
Have a lovely day and do not forget if you see me walking…. Help!!

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