Friday, January 18, 2013

Listen to Darjeeling

Since I have delved into tea world most of the week let us finish this.

Darjeeling tea is next.

 It is a black tea from the Darjeeling region of India in the state of Bengal. Muscatel is the flavor word used to describe this tea as it has a distinct grape taste. The champagne of tea, perfect as a delicate afternoon tea if harvested in early spring or summer with late harvest being a bit more robust and best suited for breakfast.  Darjeeling tea is grown in tea gardens or plantations in the misty foothills of the Himalayan Mountains. 

L-theanine is an amino acid found in Darjeeling tea. It promotes a feeling of well-being causing you to relax and reduce feelings of mental or physical stress. A cup of coffee contains the same amount of caffeine as a cup of Darjeeling but do to the L-theanine it is more evenly released in the tea causing the energized feeling to be more euphoric.

I am collecting items for the Randolph Metrocom Chamber of Commerce Business and Restaurant Showcase silent auction. So if you have a product or trade you would like to donate to this event I will be ever so grateful. I would like to get at least two a day before the event which is January 29. That will give me about 20 items. I already have 4 and have been at it two days. Who will step up for Friday? Hahah…. in my head that sounded like a carny at the baseball throwing booth in a carnival.

Moola went on a field trip yesterday to Anything Goes With Glass. Keep your eyes on her facebook page for photos.

I got a late start this morning so I must get moving to find my two items for today.  See you on Monday.

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