Friday, May 24, 2013

Bow Shot

I thought I would be so smart and leave my nephews address in my office and address his letters there and mail them the next morning. Like most of my plans that is not how it happens. So, I have not mailed a letter in a week. New strategy session for next week.

I also failed to get a blog written this week for Artz Council. But then again, if I was supposed to get it done it would have been done.

In the meantime I go on a trip to McD for a night of comfort food and low and behold another traffic related incident occurs. A red car pulls in, an SUV pulls in and I pull in. The red car stops in the middle of the drive through approach and stops nowhere near a door or the order screen. The SUV then slams on their brakes, which causes me to come to an abrupt stop. The fanny end of Charles is now hanging out in the road with on-coming cars barreling down the street.   We wait, and wait and wait. I assume someone was getting out but no one does so we wait some more. As I am about to call in an air strike I decide to first attempt to fire a warning shot from the bow. 

I smash down on my horn; still no action from the red car.  A door opens and I ask Samuel to hold on the air strike. A leg, a body gets out and then leans back into the car.  She then gets back out and struts over to the RedBox video vending machine. Once she is at the box the red car drives forward. REALLYY??????  The driver orders, pulls forward pays and then stops short of the window. We all now sit again and wait for the red car to move.  I re-call Samuel and after a brief description of the car approve the airstrike and BAM!!!!!  Mischief managed.

This morning I get up feed the cats, read my devotions and do a dream interpretation while drinking a cup of tea. As I am preparing for my morning walk at Crescent Bend one of the bloody cats pukes on my bed and on my skirt that was lying on the bed. REALLYY????

I have a meeting in an hour. Gotta go!

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