Thursday, May 16, 2013

Greg's Video

This A&F thing is crazy. Now we are supposed to dress the homeless in our discarded A&F clothes. Which in my mind is a funny counter attack but the negative mocking way in which it happened may not be right. Although I laughed at the video. This is all generating more awareness of the brand; which may not be bad for their business. So now all the skinny “Uncool” kids can buy their clothes and instantly change their “cool” ranking in school. Brilliant! Those gangly geniuses and geeks will now fit in. Splendid!!! 

Maybe that is the direction Greg Karber should have gone. He could have bought all black A&F for the Goths and made them instantly cool too.

I used to rock Harley Davidson clothes back in my rebellious biker days. But Nomie had a bike and we worked in, as the locals termed it, a biker bar. We rode, a lot; we even rode to Sturgis twice. I was not shy about promoting the bike or the brand or the message. I was in love with Nomie and life and we were having fun. It was a lifestyle, freedom the open road. Not a statement about wealth. But we were cool.

 We went to some amazing places and met some remarkable people. One little old farmer in Nebraska stopped to chat and as we watched right before our eyes he went back in time to when he was about 17 and went to pick up his girlfriend for the first time for a date on an Indian. Her father was shocked, she was thrilled and he married her, and she was the love of his life. The most beautiful smile lit up his face for a brief moment as tears filled his eyes and he told us she had passed away. He shook hands and thanked us as he walked away.  
But then I also looked cool in a long skirt, steel toed biker boots, and white lacey vest. No brand name.

I was in my office last night when the ladies started showing up for Zumba class. There were two in the foyer of the building right outside my office having a conversation. “She called from California… Yeah….. Yeah….. well I was going to change the music style….yeah…yeah….YEAH…. well ….yeah….. so ….yeah…..she was ok with it…..yeah…. so….. well, yeah…..”  Really?  What the bloody hell kind of conversation was that? One of their phones rang and ended the torture. I was about 3 seconds from saying “Ladies!!! Use your words!!!”

Hahahaha I just poured tea into my cup without the use of the strainer. I had to pour it back into the pot. Tea leaves were swirling around my cup like a school of fish. I need to find some other tea.

I was attacked by a spider again last night as I sat on the couch relaxing with a movie. It was charging down my arm when Goblin decided to move on my lap so as I was about to slap the little terrorist Goblin’s entire body swirled over my arm and the spider ended up, I have no idea where, but my slap landed right by Goblin’s whisker and he took off claws extended for traction and I narrowly escaped shredding by lifting him up as he charged forward. He landed on the floor about four feet from me, sat down licked a paw and turned to give me the Imperial stare. I got up shook out my skirt but no spider.

I had a photo assignment yesterday evening for a Police Memorial. Complete with bagpipe. Yes I struck up a conversation with the piper. It was actually a very beautiful ceremony, well done and it moved quickly. I am glad I went.

Have a blessed day!

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