Thursday, May 9, 2013

Follow the Link!

I have been looking for a month for a tin of loose tea and have been unable to find one. 

I found one yesterday that says loose tea on the tin. Not loose leaf tea just loose tea. I bought it. This morning as I debated tea or coffee I opted for the tea and it is loose tea not loose leaf.

 So now I am straining my tea and feel a bit like a character from a Jane Austen novel. As though my name should be Lady Lavinia Rose Cabott and I live at Etchleigh Green. So I am still looking for loose leaf tea.

On our walk through the forest of Crescent Bend yesterday we could hear a flock of wild turkeys. We never saw them but they were being very noisy.  Of course the Cardinals were everywhere as usual but I also saw for the first time in the park a Scissor-tail Fly Catcher. It is no wonder that The Audubon Society holds monthly walks out there.  I will take my camera every day and try to capture some of these birds. Good practice for me.

Ranting time. To the stupid cow in the maroon SUV playing your hip hop music at full throttle, who drifted the curve screeching to a jerky stop  in front of me at the drive through and then was too cowardly to make eye contact with me as I politely (hahah) glared at you. GET BACK ON YOUR MEDS!!!!! What if I had been a bit more aggressive in pulling forward and had slammed into you. I did not see you until your brake lights lit up as you came to a stop as I moved. Had I been looking down into my purse I would have hit you and whatever had you acting psychotic would have increased your irritation and frankly I would have welcomed your ensuing rage at your own foolishness. Did it not occur to you that I could have written your plate number down and could be looking for you? Did it not occur to you that now I know you have a husband and three stick children? 2 girls, 1 son and a dog, and I also know your son is number 12 on his soccer team Thunder and you have a daughter in gymnastics.

Dear Abercrombie and Fitch,
You really do not want to sell clothes to ugly people. What is your definition of ugly? Who exactly is worthy and who is not? Is it a size, race, hair color, eye color issue? What is it? I wish to know so that I can save us both an uncomfortable moment should I walk in and be told I am not a beautiful person and should leave. Do my children make the cut because I wish to save them embarrassment? Or was this all some ugly rumor? I will save space and time here because this blog says it all very well.

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