Monday, May 20, 2013

Non-Paternal Event

Apparently, there is, to simplify this, a range of 1-10 inside the router that can be adjusted to spray out the signal on slightly different frequencies. 

 When you live in an apartment the chances of your signal crashing into other signals is about 109% because all routers come from the factory at the same setting.  This is what is happening to my internet signal. After talking with 8 people  one guy finally tells me what is going on. He asks the problem and I reply… I have a signal until about 8 in the morning when everyone around me wakes up and then the battle begins and I have to re-launch my signal. This goes on for about an hour. It happens again in the evening. At about the time people are waking or coming home or later before most people go to bed.  He laughs and then explains. There is nothing he can do but inside the router is a switch that the manufacturer can just chat to and change it. So I call them. I get a person in …… yep India. Now I do not have a problem with people having jobs all over the world but get off the bloody script!!! I am a human!!!!! Talk with me not at me!!!!

She reads her script in her pleasant voice and I, of course, go way off script. She repeats her script and reads it to me again. I stop her. She then has me hold. She gets back on and asks me if I have premium service. No! well then she will transfer me to a different department and then will discuss the cost of chatting with me. Uh…..NO! I have already paid for their inferior device and to pay again because it is inferior is wrong. She of course stayed right on script with the very appropriate “I understand your frustration ma’am.” Really??? No sunshine you do not!” I could tell this conversation was going NOWHERE.  She thanked me for calling and I laughed and hung up. They really wanted me to pay then $48 dollars to allow them to access my system to move a switch 1 point up or down. It would have taken all of 2 minutes at the most to do. Can they not tell me what to do? Can they not create a switch on the box we the consumer can get at? She also insulted my router by telling me it was so old she could not even find it in her system. Implying I should buy a new one because a new version comes out every 6 months. I suppose I should shave my head every time some emotionally disturbed superstar does too!

Dear Shoey …I must have been in the bathroom cleaning and had the water running or the sweeper on. I never heard you knock. So in the bliss of motherhood that has been raising you. I forgive your rude phone message and the sarcastic “love you” that you tossed at it right before you hung up. My favorite part of your message was the “what-ev” .

While ghost hunting yesterday I came across a DNA website for my Carden clan and I enjoyed all the “non-paternal” events that caused some Carden DNA to not match up on some of the participants. So that could mean several things. All of which are intriguing. I wonder if either my uncles have participated in a DNA study? Or would?

Well I have photos to get off to my editor.

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