Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Hottest Bathroom

As I was driving to the office who should I see. Horatio! Yep there he was going full throttle toward the high school.

 Retrieving his child or was there something more sinister afoot? Death by pencil? Disgruntled cook poison the cream corn? Did the Principle finally loose his composure and strangle a student? Maybe the students had finally had all they could take of Miss Grumpy I am not happy with my life and neither will you be, otherwise known as Krackenetta cousin to the witches of OZ, except no magic power.  I must say I cannot blame them. I only had to tolerate her for a total of 5 times and my only thought was how much I wanted to throttle her. She has never heard of the words Be Nice being used together in the same sentence. EVER! She is peevish, aggressive, dismissive, and downright disagreeable.

I saw an article titled Hottest Bathroom Trends. 

Are these rooms hot? As in temperature? Are they hot as in they are so sexy let’s move the bed in here? Or is it hot as in this is a bloody cool room! Do you really care if a guest walks out of the room that houses your toilet and says ‘WOWSER!!! That is the hottest bathroom EVER!!!!  Can you just see your mom walk out slathering her hands with some Jo Malone hand lotion looking at you with an odd twinkle and say “Kevin that is the sexiest bathroom I have ever seen?” So that the next time you are in there all you can think about is how your mom said the word sex in conjunction with your toilet area.

 Now I admit I would love to have a stone enclosed shower area with no door, no curtain, a bench, and one of those rain making shower heads. 

Not because it is “hot” but, because it is less maintenance to keep clean. No shower curtain to wash, no shower door glass to unstreak or roller tracks for the glass door to scrub.

 Yep I am all about less work for me; at least until I am noticed by the Viscount and carried off to live in a castle in Spain or Austria and there is a staff. I want a staff. I need someone to follow me around and take notes of everything I notice so that I can remember it and write about it to you.

Last thing on my mind is for wiccan man. The people worshipping Christ and celebrating their Christian beliefs are not given tax payer funded Bibles. Those are given to them by fellow Christians.  You want your wiccan bible to celebrate your religion then have one of your wiccan friends bring you one. We the tax payers do not wish to fund your need for dragon blood either.

You want an oak tree so you can worship outside? Here is an acorn. Grow one! But have a friend bring it. Tax payers will not provide for it. Maybe one of the dragons you so desperately want blood from will drop one in the yard for you!

This quest of his for dragon blood has me now wanting to rescue all dragons everywhere from wiccan persecution.

Well, I have a meeting I need to prepare for.

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